Gelatine Phantom for training of interventions in 10 steps

Interventions under ultrasound control are more and more popular. There are several options how to train the skills of controling the needle with the probe. One of them is practising interventions on “phantoms” – ranging from high-tech ultrasound models to a DIY jelly like this one. Jelly “phantom” can hide all sorts of things within – from kiwi fruits, grapes or tomatoes, to boiled eggs, catheters and balloons filled with water. In this article you can find a “recipe” how to prepare your own training phantom.
Gelatine ground
Colour agent (syrup, or water colours, etc.)
Grapes, tomatoes or water baloons (targets)
Plastic bag or clingwrap
1. Put cold water into a bowl
2. Add gelatine ground
3. Stir till the gelatine is fully dissolved
4. Heat the solution up to 60 °C (or follow the recommendation of the producer)
5. Prepare the container
6. Put a plastic bag or clingwrap into the container
7. Place grapes into the container and superficially to the plastic bag
8. Fill in the container with the heated gelatine solution
9. Add colour agent
10. Put the solution in the fridge and let it rest for several hours