1. Name: ulnar nerve
2. Nerve root contribution: C8 – T1
3. Motor inervation:
     A. m. flexor carpi ulnaris
     B. m. flexor digitorum profundus (4th and 5th finger)
     C. m. flexor hallucis brevis (caput profundum)
     D. m. adductor pollicis
     E. m. palmaris brevis
     F. m. abduktor digiti minimi
     G. m. flexor digiti minimi brevis
     H. m. oponens digiti minimi
     I. mm interosei dorsales
     J. mm. interosei palmares
     K. mm. lumbricales (4th and 5th finger)
4. Sensory inervation:
     A. Palmar cutaneous branch – medial half of the hand
     B. Dorsal cutaneous branch – medial one and a half fingers, and the associated dorsal hand area
     C. Superficial branch – palmar surface of the medial one and a half fingers.
5. Entrapment locations:
     A. Medial intermuscular septum of the arm
     B. Arcade of Struthers
     C. Cubital tunnel
     D. Connective tissue between flexor carpi ulnaris and flexor digitorum superficialis
     E. Guyone canal


Ultrasound scanning
