Ultrasound allows immediate evaluation of periarticular soft tissues, both statically and dynamically. Following structures can be evaluated: cortex and joint surfces, recesses, tendons, bursae, muscles and nerves. Doppler US can evaluate inflamation or vascularization. One of the most common use elbow ultrasonography is lateral epicondyle tendinopathy. 
Position of the patient:

Patient is seated in front of the examiner. The position of the upper extremity varies from the scanning area (see figures below).

1. Anterior view
     A. Longitudinal plane – ulnar side
     B. Longitudinal plane – radial side
     C. Longitudinal oblique plane
     D. Transversal plane
2. Medial view
     A. Lonitudinal plane
3. Lateral view
     A. Longitudinal plane
4. Posterior view
     A. Longitudinal plane
     B. Transversal oblique plane

1. Anterior view

While examining the anterior compartment of the elbow, the patient is asked to extend his upper extremity and supine his forearm. In this plane humeroulnar joint (trochlea-coronoid process) can be evaluated. The joint space and the proximal coronoid fossa with anterior synovial recessus are places where the fluid can accumulate. Brachialis and pronator teres muscles can be assessed.

Figure 1. ulnar side. s – synovium in coronoid fossa, fp – fat pad, sf – synovial fringe, cor – processus coronoideus ulnae.

Musculoskeletal ultrasonography
Musculoskeletl ultrasound

1. Anterior view

While examining the anterior compartment of the elbow, the patient is asked to extend his upper extremity and supine his forearm. In this plane humeroulnar joint (trochlea-coronoid process) can be evaluated. The joint space and the proximal coronoid fossa with anterior synovial recessus are places where the fluid can accumulate. Brachialis and pronator teres muscles can be assessed.

Figure 1. ulnar side. s – synovium in coronoid fossa, fp – fat pad, sf – synovial fringe, cor – processus coronoideus ulnae.

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