Metaphoric Signs in msk Sonography – Pathology

This section is in construction
I. General
     1. Muscle tear – Black hole
     2. Muscle tear – Misty
     3. Tendon synovitis – Halo
     4. Nerve entrapment – Bottle neck
     5. Calcification – Brige
     6. Screw – Comet tail
II. Specific
     1. Crocodile mouth
     2. Flat tire
     3. Bald tuberosity
     4. Eye of the tiger
     5. Snowstorm
     6. Rat tail
     7. Target
     8. Bag of worms
     9. Clouds
     10. Pistol grip
     11. Boomerang
     12. Speech bouble
     13. Volcano
     14. Shark head
     15. Lips
     16. Atomic mushroom